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Causes of Acne in the Nose and How to Overcome It

The appearance of pimples on the nose or around the face can cause discomfort and interfere with appearance. Even though it doesn't look like any other part of the face, acne on the inside of the nose also needs to be treated properly. The reason is if not treated, germs on the nose can spread to the brain. Acne in the nose can be a sign of an infection in the nose. Such pimples can be caused by some bad habits, such as picking your nose too often or throwing away nasal discharge hard.

Causes of Acne on the Nose and its Signs

Acne generally occurs when hormonal changes occur that cause excess oil production in the skin follicles. Excess oil along with dead skin cells will clog pores which are the outlet of the follicle. This will cause the follicles under the skin to swell. When this blockage is infected with normal bacteria that are on the skin, inflammation will occur in the form of acne. Likewise, the inside of the nose consists of many pores and hair follicles. Although most pimples occur on the surface of the skin, but pimples on the inside of the nose can also occur. Infections that may occur when a person feels acne in the nose include nasal vestibulitis and nasal furuncles. In nasal vestibulitis, infection is usually caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. This condition appears like pimples and / or a collection of reddish pimples on the tip of the nostril. In acute nasal vestibulitis there will be reddening of the skin, swelling, and pain when touched. Meanwhile, nasal furuncles can appear larger, as boils, or are located in the deeper part of the nose. This condition needs to be treated immediately by a doctor, because the infection can get worse into cellulitis and spread to blood vessels to the brain, causing meningitis. Bacterial infections in the nose are also at risk of causing blockages of the blood vessels of the brain. Some of the bacteria that cause are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

How to Overcome Acne in the Nose

To deal with acne in the nose, need to know what causes it. Here are the treatments for acne based on the underlying factors:
  • If it is caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor will usually give antibiotics in the form of ointments. In addition, there is also the possibility of the doctor giving antibiotics that must be taken or giving both to speed up the healing process. Sometimes, surgical drainage (drying) is necessary to prevent swelling in the area of ​​infection in acne on the inside of the nose.
  • For pimples on the nose that have become severe infections, antibiotic treatment needs to be given through an IV at the hospital. This condition also needs to be monitored by a doctor regularly to anticipate the possibility of complications.
  • In addition to treatment with antibiotics, nasal vestibulitis can be done warm compresses to the nose three times a day for 15-20 minutes, to help dry up pimples and reduce pain.
  • If pain due to acne on the nose does not improve with a warm compress, pain relievers may need to be used. Consult your doctor about choices for pain medications, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • Try not to squeeze pimples on the inside of the nose, because this method will only make skin pores more vulnerable to bacterial infections. Squeeze pimples will make more bacteria on the surface of the skin, even deeper into the skin layer. Also avoid touching the pimples on the inside of the nose too often, so the healing process is faster.
Acne in the nose should be immediately checked by an ENT specialist, if it doesn't heal or if accompanied by dizziness, fever, confusion, visual disturbances, severe pain in the face and around the eyes, and swelling in the eye. It is important to take proper care in overcoming acne on the inside of the nose, so that no dangerous complications occur. Follow the doctor's advice and use the medicine prescribed by the doctor.


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